The most important and complex relationships in the world we live in today is that of a parent and child. Three major personalities in this relationship are Father, Mother and the Child. Neither of these roles is interchangeable or replaceable. “The hallmark of (the parental) relationship is the readily observable fact that this special adult is not interchangeable with others.” -Dr. Jack Shonkoff. Let us see what exactly are the major issues, what possibly could be the solutions to those problems and what I would suggest to both the parents and the child. The Problems Areas: Time Constrains: Most of the parents and child in today’s world do find time to talk or carry out family time together. This is one of the major causes of a disordered relationship between parents and children. Most of the time I’ve heard of jokes that could actually be reality where the mother calls her son for dinner on
Soocha Hai (Have You Thought) is the space where I would like to share some thoughts provoking to envision "thinking tanks" to ponder upon various aspects of life and reality. I would be focusing more on religious, theological and psychological aspects through which I would like put forward various aspects and random thoughts. It would be great if you could join in sharing your point of view and suggestions. Lets all take this Sooch to another level.